
With almost 60 years of wood waste expertise and recycling solutions in our resume, Cloverdale Fuel has become a trusted source for consultation throughout North America and the world. Whether wood waste is the problem in need of a solution, or plans for building district energy plants are being considered, we will complete a thorough analysis of your region to determine if a new Biomass facility is right for you.

Before making the investment in a biomass energy system, which burns wood waste for energy, there are a number of factors to consider. Where will the wood come from that will power this unit and how sustainable is that source of wood waste (a 2 to 5 year source would be a problem). Ideally, you will want to have a ready source of wood waste, within a 100km radius, that will provide at least fifteen years of fuel in order for your project to be profitable.

Questions that must be answered include:

  • What wood waste already exists within that 100km radius and who’s getting it now?
  • What are they doing with it now?
  • What price can you get it for, what are you prepared to pay?
  • What is the moisture content, BTU value does it have?
  • Who’s going to move it?
  • What form is it in and how long will it be there for?

We help you determine the feasibility of your plans and provide guidance, based on our experience to ensure your money is well spent.

Our team will do all the preliminary work, including investigating local industry, furniture factories, sawmills, brush land and logging operations. We provide a detailed report so you can make informed decisions.

If your plans move ahead, there are other factors to consider such as site plans, and bin configuration as well as access routes and traffic patterns on surrounding streets.

Our consulting team will provide help anywhere in North America and beyond.


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