Bark Mulch

Cloverdale Fuel is a distributor of bark mulch, serving customers in Surrey,Langley, Abbotsford and the entire Fraser Valley. The landscaping supplies that we use will enhance the look of your landscaping.

Over time, tree bark has been used for various purposes right from cultivation to boat making. Bark Mulch too is a material made from the bark of trees. It suppresses weed growth by reducing the amount of light that weed seeds need to germinate.

Bark mulch is categorized under organic mulches. Other organic mulches include leaves, hay, straw, grass clippings, sawdust, woodchips, shredded newspaper or cardboard, and wool etc. Apart from organic mulch, there are also compost mulch, rubber mulch, plastic mulch and gravel mulch. Each of these types is used for different reasons like local climatic conditions, availability of material etc.

Uses of Bark Mulch

Bark mulch is used as a covering over the soil where cultivation takes place or in home and public gardens.

There are a variety of reasons for using bark mulch. These chiefly include to:

  • Preserve soil moisture
  • Control growth of weeds
  • Enhance productivity in crops
  • Improve plant health in gardens
  • Improve aesthetic look of the area
  • Hemlock bark

Bark mulch is a preferred mulch material as it decomposes easily and enriches the soil. Where used in gardens, it creates a pleasing appearance enhancing the aesthetic values. The most popular barks for mulching are pine and cedar. The bark is either broken into coarse chips or ground to a powder.

Bark chips of different grades are made from the outer layer of the bark of timber trees. The shape and size vary without any fixed criteria. They could be thin strips to coarser blocks. The finer types are attractive and are preferred where the aesthetic senses come into play. Bark chips are obtainable in different colors as well.

The chip mulch is preferred around large plants or trees while it is better to use the finer mulch for smaller plants and small gardens. Bark mulch is ideally applied over the soil in a thickness of 2 to 3 inches and spread evenly. It is advisable not to pile up mulch around plants- rather leave a small breathing space around them. It should also be made sure by gardeners that a second layer of mulch should not be applied till the first is completely absorbed and merged with the soil. Besides, adding new mulch over an existing layer could be detrimental to the plant health as water and minerals could be absorbed before they can penetrate the soil.

Good quality bark mulch encourages growth of vegetation by thwarting weed growth thus reducing opposition for the plant. As a soil improvement agent, bark increases soil ventilation thereby indirectly preserving wetlands.


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